AWS Cloud Engineering & Devops

GainBadge’s AWS Cloud and DevOps course enables you to build, deploy, and manage scalable cloud applications using top tools like AWS EC2, S3, RDS, IAM, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and Jenkins. The program covers a wide range of topics, including AWS services like CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, CodeArtifact, and X-Ray, along with Python, Ansible, and DevOps automation. Through real-world projects, you’ll gain practical experience, equipping you to become a highly sought-after AWS Cloud and DevOps professional

Azure Cloud
99% of learners report satisfaction upon completing the program
Working professionals experience a 200% salary increase after completing the program
Freshers Earned an Average 12 LPA after completion of the course
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Why Join this Program

Flexible Learning

Enjoy the flexibility of online learning with live classes, recorded sessions, and a self-paced study option. Balance your studies with your personal and professional commitments for a seamless learning experience.

Expert Trainers

Learn from industry professionals with years of experience in AWS-DevOps Benefit from their insights, guidance and personal feedback to accelerate your learning journey.

Hands-on projects

Build a strong portfolio with real-world projects that demonstrate your skills. Create projects that mimic real industry scenarios, and make sure you’re ready for work from day one.

Comprehensive Curriculum

Master AWS Cloud and DevOps with courses on AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and more. Gain in-demand skills sought by top employers.

Free Career Counselling

We are happy to help you 24/7

About Program

GainBadge’s AWS Cloud and DevOps course enables you to build, deploy, and manage scalable cloud applications using top tools like AWS EC2, S3, RDS, IAM, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform, and Jenkins. The program covers a wide range of topics, including AWS services like CodeCommit, CodeBuild, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline, CodeArtifact, and X-Ray, along with Python, Ansible, and DevOps automation. Through real-world projects, you’ll gain practical experience, equipping you to become a highly sought-after AWS Cloud and DevOps professional

Key Highlights

Skills Covered

Career Transition

3 Million Career Opportunities

Learning AWS-DevOps opens doors to over 3 million job opportunities, connecting you to diverse roles and pathways for professional growth in the tech industry.

Lucrative Salaries

AWS- DevOps Engineer are in high demand, with competitive salaries reflecting industry growth. Stay informed about salary trends and position yourself for higher earnings in this dynamic field.

28% Annual Growth

28% Annual Career Growth: AWS Cloud and DevOps professionals see a 28% annual career growth, reflecting strong demand and promising opportunities for advancement in the tech industry

Job Titles includes

Who can Apply for the course?

Instructors Profiles

5 Industry Experts

Learn from 5 Industry Experts with years of real-world experience and deep knowledge in AWS-DevOps

6 - 12 years of experience Range

Each of our trainers has six to twelve years of industry experience which guarantees you that at GainBadge you will have highly experienced and knowledgeable AWS-DevOps professionals as your trainers.

Area of expertise

Comprehensive knowledge and skills in AWS-DevOps are what trainers in our team specialize in. They have a deep understanding and are experienced in AWS,DevOps,terraform,ansible,docker,kubernetes,Python,code deploy,code pipeline & code build

Excited about this program? Enroll today to secure your spot

Simply provide your details, and our course counselors will be in touch to assist you further


Course Curriculum

Module 0 - AWS Certified Solutions Architect


  • The History of AWS
  • AWS Cloud Services Overview
  • Sign up for AWS

AWS Storage Services

  •  S3 Storage
  •  Create an S3 Bucket
  •  S3 Pricing Tiers
  •  S3 Security and Encryption
  •  S3 Versioning
  •  Lifecycle Management with S3
  •  S3 Object Lock and Glacier Vault Lock
  •  S3 Performance
  •  AWS Organizations and Consolidated Billing
  •  Sharing S3 Buckets Across Accounts
  •  Cross-Region Replication
  •  S3 Transfer Acceleration
  •  CloudFront
  •  Create a CloudFront Distribution
  •  CloudFront Signed URLs and Cookies
  •  Snowball
  • Storage Gateway

EC2 Elastic Compute Cloud

  • Security Groups
  •  EBS
  •  EBS Volumes and Snapshots -
  •  AMI Types (EBS vs. Instance Store)
  •  ENI vs. ENA vs. EFA
  •  Encrypted Root Device Volumes and Snapshots
  •  Spot Instances and Spot Fleets
  •  EC2 Hibernate
  •  CloudWatch
  •  AWS Command Line (CLI)
  •  Identity and Access Management Roles
  •  Using Bootstrap Scripts
  •  Instance Metadata
  •  EFS
  •  Amazon FSx for Windows and Amazon FSx for Lustre
  •  EC2 Placement Groups
  •  AWS WAF

Advanced IAM

  • AWS Directory Service
  •  IAM Policies
  •  AWS Single Sign-On

VPC Overview

  • VPC Concepts
  •  Subnets
  •  Internet Gateway
  •  Route Table
  •  NAT Instances and NAT Gateways
  •  Network Access Control Lists vs. Security Groups - Demo
  •  Custom VPCs and ELBs
  •  VPC Flow Logs
  •  AWS Direct Connect
  •  Setting Up Direct Connect
  •  Global Accelerator
  •  VPC Endpoints

AWS Route 53

  • DNS
  •  Register a Domain Name
  •  Route 53 Routing Policies Available on AWS
  •  Route 53: Simple Routing Policy
  •  Route 53: Weighted Routing Policy
  •  Route 53: Latency-Based Policy
  •  Route 53: Failover Routing Policy
  •  Route 53: Geolocation Routing Policy
  •  Route 53: Geoproximity Routing Policy (Traffic Flow Only)

HA Architecture

  •  Elastic Load Balancer
  •  Load Balancers and Health Checks
  •  Advanced Load Balancer Theory
  •  Auto Scaling
  •  Launch Configurations and Auto Scaling Groups
  •  Elastic Beanstalk
  •  High Availability with Bastion Host
  •  On-Premises Strategies with AWS
Module 1 - Python

Introduction to Python

  • What is Python?
  • Installing Python
  • Python Shell vs. Scripting
  • Python IDEs

Data Types and Variables

  • Integers, Floats, Strings, Booleans
  • Type Conversion
  • Variables and Assignment

Basic Operators

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators

Control Structures

  • Conditional Statements (ifelifelse)
  • Loops (forwhile)
  • breakcontinue, and pass

Basic Data Structures

  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Sets
  • Dictionaries


  • Defining and Calling Functions
  • Arguments and Return Values
  • Local and Global Variables

Modules and Packages

  • Importing Modules
  • Exploring the Standard Library
Module 2 – Amazon CodeCommit
  • What is Version Control System?
  • Difference between Centralized Version Control System (Subversion) Vs Distributed Version Control System (Git)
  • Fundamentals of Git
  • Git workflow
  • Git commands like add, push, remote, pull, clone, checkout, branch, tags, revert, reset, log etc.,
  • Branching strategies and Version code using Tags
  • What are AWS CodeCommit?
  • How to push or clone code from CodeCommit?
  • Notifications
  • Pull request
  • Approval rule templates
Module 3 - Amazon Code Build
  • What is Continues Integration?
  • CodeBuild advantages and use cases
  • Benefits of CodeBuild
  • Fully manages
  • On-demand
  • Out of the box
  • What is Continues Integration?
  • CodeBuild advantages and use cases
  • Benefits of CodeBuild
  • Fully manages
  • On-demand
  • Out of the box
Module 4 - Amazon Code Deploy
  • What is Continues Deployment/Delivery?
  • What was the purpose of CodeDeploy and use cases?
  • How to deploy developed code to On-premises and Cloud Instances?
  • How to install git package on OS?
  • Application, Deployment groups and Deployments
  • Application revisions
  • Monitoring CodeDeploy using CloudWatch tools and CloudTrail
Module 5 - Amazon Code Pipeline
  • what is CICD?
  • Opensource tools for CICD operations
  • CodePipeline for CICD
  • Understanding DevOps Pipeline for application development and deployment
  • Monitoring Pipelines events and API logs using CloudTrail
  • Manual and scheduled triggers of CodePipeline
Module 6 - Amazon Code Artifacts
  • What was Artifacts and use cases?
  • Other tools for Artifacts
  • AWS Artifacts for package manager and Image storage etc.,
  • Integration with CodeBuild, CodeDeploy and CodePipeline
Module 7 - Amazon X-Ray
  • What X-Ray for Developers?
  • X-Ray for Debugging, Tracing and Service Maps
Module 8 - Terraform

Introduction to Terraform

  • Infrastructure Management
  • What is Capacity Planning?

  • Major Capacity Planning Tools/Services

  • Understanding Capacity Planning

  • Calculating Percentile

  • What is Provisioning?

  • Major Provisioning Tools/Services

  • What is Deployment?

  • Major Deployment Tools

  • Benefits of Automated Deployment

  • What is Terraform?

  • History of Terraform

Key Components in Terraform

  • Terraform Provider
  • Terraform Configuration
  • Terraform Module
  • Terraform Cloud

Overview of Terraform

  • Architecture of Terraform-managed Infrastructure Provisioning
  • Terraform Configuration
  • Terraform Provider
  • Terraform Provisioner
  • Terraform Registry
  • Terraform vs AWS CloudFormation

Prerequisites for Terraform

  •  Create AWS Account
  •  Install AWS CLI

Setup Terraform

  • Install Terraform
  • Significance of Terraform Programs

Terraform Provider

  • What is the Purpose of Terraform Provider?
  • Major Terraform Providers
  • Understanding Terraform Provider
  • Manage Terraform Providers

Terraform Configuration

  •  What is the Purpose of Terraform Configuration?
  • Structure of Terraform Configuration
  • Writing Terraform Configuration
  • Initialize Terraform Configuration
  • Generate Plan from Terraform Configuration
  • Apply Plan of Terraform Configuration
  • Manage Terraform Configurations
  • Do's and Dont's with Terraform Configuration

Terraform Module

  • What is the Purpose of Terraform Module?
  • Structure of Terraform Module
  • Writing Terraform Module
  • Manage Terraform Modules
  • Do's and Dont's with Terraform Module

Terraform Cloud

  • What is the Purpose of Terraform Cloud?
  • Using Terraform Cloud
  • Manage Terraform Cloud
  • Do's and Dont's with Terraform Cloud
Module 9 - Ansible
  • Introduction to Ansible

    • Infrastructure Management
    • What is Capacity Planning?
    • Major Capacity Planning Tools/Services
    • Understanding Capacity Planning
    • Calculating Percentile
    • What is Provisioning?
    • Major Provisioning Tools/Services
    • What is Deployment?
    • Major Deployment Tools
    • Benefits of Automated Deployment
    • Understanding Deployment Matrix
    • App Service
    • Data Service
    • What is Ansible?
    • History of Ansible

Key Components in Ansible

  • Ansible Control Machine
  •  Ansible Inventory
  •  Ansible Playbook
  •  Ansible Role
  •  Ansible Node
  •  Ansible Tower
  • Overview of Ansible

  • Architecture of Ansible-managed Deployments
  • Ansible Control Machine
  • Ansible Inventory
  • Ansible Playbook
  • Ansible Role
  • Ansible Node
  • Ansible vs Chef

Prerequisites for Ansible

  • Understanding YAML

Ansible Control Machine

  • What is the Purpose of Ansible Control Machine?
  • Install Ansible
  • Significance of Ansible Control Machine Programs
  • Understanding Ansible Control Machine Configurations
  • Configure Ansible Control Machine
  • Configure Highly Scalable Ansible Control Machine
  • Understanding Ansible Control Machine System Paths
  • Deep Dive into Ansible Control Machine
  • How Ansible Control Machine Executes Playbook/Role?
  • Do's and Dont's with Ansible Control Machine

Ansible Inventory

  • What is the Purpose of Ansible Inventory?
  • Manage Ansible Inventories

Ansible Playbook

  • What is the Purpose of Ansible Playbook?
  • Structure of Ansible Playbook
  • Writing Ansible Playbook
  • Manage Ansible Playbooks
  • Do's and Dont's with Ansible Playbook

Ansible Role

  • What is the Purpose of Ansible Role?
  • Structure of Ansible Role
  • Writing Ansible Role
  • Manage Ansible Roles
  • Do's and Dont's with Ansible Role

Ansible Vault

  • What is the Purpose of Ansible Vault?
  • Create Encrypted File Using Ansible Vault
  • Create Encrypted String Using Ansible Vault
  • Manage Encryption Using Ansible Vault

Ansible Node

  • Understanding Deployment on Ansible Nodes
  • Using Docker Containers as Ansible Nodes
  • Boot Ansible Nodes
  • Trigger Deployment on Ansible Nodes
  • Manage Ansible Nodes

Ansible Tower

  • What is the Purpose of Ansible Tower?
  • Setup & Configure Ansible Tower
  • Using Ansible Tower
  • Create Organization
  • Create Team
  • Create Inventory
  • Create Host
  • Create Group
  • Create Credential
  • Create Project
  •  Create Job Template
  • Boot Ansible Nodes
  • Trigger Deployment on Ansible Nodes
  • Manage Ansible Tower
  • Operators
    • Arithmetic
    • Assignment
    • Comparison
    • Logical
    • Bitwise
    • Ternary
    • typeof
  • functions
    • default functions
    • arrow functions
    • callback functions
    • IIFE  
  • conditions
    • simple if
    • if-else
    • else –if ladder
    • switch and case
  • loops
    • for
    • while
    • do-while
    • for-of
    • for-in
  • Arrays & Array methods
  • strings &  String methods
  • objects
    • Types
    • Map
    • Set
  • Dom (methods & properties)
  • Bom
    • Window
    • Navigator
    • History
    • Cookies
    • Localstorage
    • session storage
  • Event handlers (event loop)
  • Error Handling
    • Try
    • Catch
    • Throw
    • Custom
  • es6
    • destructuring
    • spread operators
    • rest operators
    • promises
    • Async & Await
  • oops
  • Introduction to modules (reactjs)
  • API's(CRUD)
  • Regular exp
  • Form validation
  • API's(CRUD)
  • Regular exp
  • Form validation
Module 10 - Docker

Introduction to Docker

  • Understanding Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Understanding Microservice Architecture
  • What is Container
  • Benefits of Container
  • Evolution of Containers
  • What is Docker?
  • History of Docker
  • What is Open Container Initiative (OCI)?
  • What is the Purpose of Open Container Initiative (OCI)?

Key Components in Docker

  • Docker Image
  • Docker Network
  • Docker Storage
  • Docker Container
  • Docker Compose

Overview of Docker

  • Architecture of Docker-managed Containers
  • Docker Client
  • Docker Daemon
  • Docker Image
  • Docker Container
  • Docker Network
  • Docker Storage
  • Docker Registry
  • Container vs VM

Prerequisites for Docker

  •  Understanding JSON

Setup Docker

  • What is Containerd?
  • Install Docker
  • Significance of Docker Programs
  • Manage Docker
  • Deep Dive into Docker

Configure Docker

  • Understanding Docker Configurations
  • Change Storage & Log Driver of Docker
  • Apply Configuration Changes to Docker
  • Understanding Docker System Paths

Docker Image

  • What is the Purpose of Docker Image?
  • Deriving Docker Images
  • Tree Structure of Derived Docker Images
  • Benefits of Deriving Docker Images
  • Build Docker Image Manually
  • Understanding Dockerfile
  • Automate Build of Docker Images Using Dockerfile
  • Manage Docker Images
  • Deep Dive into Docker Image
  • Do's and Dont's with Docker Image

Docker Network

  • What is Container Network Model (CNM)?
  • What is the Purpose of Docker Network?
  • Types of Docker Network
  • How to Choose a Docker Network?
  • Manage Docker Networks
  • Using Host Docker Network
  • Using None Docker Network
  • Using Bridge Docker Network
  • Using Macvlan Docker Network

Docker Storage

  • What is the Purpose of Docker Storage?
  • Types of Docker Storage
  • How to Choose a Docker Storage?
  • Manage Docker Storage
  • Using Volume Docker Storage
  • Using Bind Mount Docker Storage
  • Using Tmpfs Mount Docker Storage

Docker Container

  • What is the Purpose of Docker Container?
  •  Understanding Docker Container
  • How Docker Container is Created?
  • How Docker Container Lifecycle is Controlled?
  • Analyzing Docker Container Configurations
  • What is Supervisor?
  • Managing Microservices within Docker Container Using Supervisor
  •  Design Highly Scalable Docker Container
  •  Provision Docker Containers Manually
  •  Manage Docker Containers
  •  Deep Dive into Docker Container
  • Do's and Dont's with Docker Container

Docker Compose

  • Understanding YAML
  • What is the Purpose of Docker Compose?
  • Install Docker Compose
  • Understanding Docker Compose YAML
  • Structure of Docker Compose YAML
  • Automated/Orchestrated Provisioning of Docker Containers Using Docker Compose
  • Manage Docker Containers Using Docker Compose
Module 11 - Kubernetes

Introduction to Kubernetes

  •  What is Docker?
  • What is Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)?
  • Understanding Container Clustering & Orchestration
  • Major Container Clustering & Orchestration Tools/Services
  • Benefits of Container Clustering & Orchestration
  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Understanding Kubernetes
  • What is Container Network Interface (CNI)?
  • History of Kubernetes

Key Components in Kubernetes

  • Kubernetes Node
  • Kubernetes Namespace
  • Kubernetes Volume
  • Kubernetes Deployment
  • Kubernetes Pod
  • Kubernetes Service
  • Kubernetes Ingress
  • Kubernetes Role
  • Kubernetes ClusterRole

Overview of Kubernetes

  • Architecture of Kubernetes-managed Docker Containers
  • Kubernetes API Server
  • Etcd
  • CoreDNS
  • Kubernetes Scheduler
  • Kubernetes Controller Manager
  • Kubernetes Agent
  • Kubernetes Proxy
  • Kubernetes vs Swarm

Prerequisites for Kubernetes

  • Install Kubernetes Client
  • Using Virtual Machines as Kubernetes Nodes
  • Boot Virtual Machines for Kubernetes Nodes
  • Manage Virtual Machines of Kubernetes Nodes

Setup Kubernetes

  • Install & Configure Docker
  • Install Kubernetes
  • Significance of Kubernetes Programs
  • Manage Kubernetes

Configure Kubernetes

  • Initialize Kubernetes Cluster
  • Join Nodes to Kubernetes Cluster
  • Understanding Kubernetes System Paths
  • Prepare Nodes in Kubernetes Cluster
  • Manage Tokens in Kubernetes Cluster
  • Configure Kubernetes User
  • Deep Dive into Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes Node

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Node?
  • Provision Highly Scalable Kubernetes Nodes
  • Scaling Master Kubernetes Nodes
  • Scaling Worker Kubernetes Nodes
  • Manage Kubernetes Nodes

Kubernetes Namespace

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Namespace?
  • Understanding Kubernetes Namespace
  • Create Kubernetes Namespace
  • Manage Kubernetes Namespaces

Kubernetes Volume

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Volume?
  • Create Kubernetes Volume
  • Manage Kubernetes Volumes

Kubernetes Deployment

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Deployment?
  • Create Kubernetes Deployment
  • Manage Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes Pod

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Pod?
  • Understanding Kubernetes Pod
  • Manage Kubernetes Pods
  • Deep Dive into Kubernetes Pod

Kubernetes Service

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Service?
  • Ways to Expose Kubernetes Service
  • Create Kubernetes Service
  • Manage Kubernetes Services
  • Deep Dive into Kubernetes Service
  • How Kubernetes Service Discovery Works?

Kubernetes Ingress

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Ingress?
  • Understanding Kubernetes Ingress Controller
  • Create Kubernetes Ingress Controller
  • Create Kubernetes Ingress
  • Manage Kubernetes Ingresses
  • Manage Kubernetes Ingress Controllers

Kubernetes Role

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes Role?
  • Create Kubernetes Role
  • Create Kubernetes RoleBinding
  • Manage Kubernetes RoleBindings
  • Manage Kubernetes Roles

Kubernetes ClusterRole

  • What is the Purpose of Kubernetes ClusterRole?
  • Create Kubernetes ClusterRole
  • Create Kubernetes ClusterRoleBinding
  • Manage Kubernetes ClusterRoleBindings
  • Manage Kubernetes ClusterRoles

Program Highlights

Live Session across 3 months
Career Resources
3 Industry Capstone Projects

Program Schedule

GainBadge Projects

Real-time projects will be included as part of your Software Testing certification course to help you consolidate your knowledge. Project work will provide you with hands-on experience in the field.

What Our Students have to say

Devender Jakkula
Devender Jakkula
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Hi, with my own experience, I Am saying that the GainBadge training centre is the best institute to learn Sql DBA. Recently I joined this coaching centre. The trainer was excellent and had a lot of patience to explain things.I prefer this institute over any other institutes.
Pittala Venkatesh
Pittala Venkatesh
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I highly recommend GainBadge for anyone looking to improve their product management skills. The instructors were knowledgeable and engaging, and the course material was well-organised and easy to follow. I especially appreciated the hands-on exercises and real-world examples used throughout the course
Priyanka Lakshman
Priyanka Lakshman
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I took up a scrum alliance course and it was really useful, the trainer was amazing. I would highly recommend it.
Vodeti Nagaraju
Vodeti Nagaraju
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Having just finished a HRP (Health Rules Payer) training session, I was generally rather pleased with the program's calibre. This course was created to give people who haven't worked with a lot of products a firm grasp of the fundamental ideas and methods required to succeed as a business system analyst.
Srinath Deshmukh
Srinath Deshmukh
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I recently completed a Product Management training course at Gain Badge and was overall very impressed with the quality of the program. The course was designed to help individuals with limited product experience gain a solid understanding of the key concepts and techniques needed to become a successful product manager in Industry.
Durga Prasad
Durga Prasad
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The instructor's at Gain Badge have got industry experience and it really shone through in the material, and I appreciated the emphasis on practical skills and tools. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to advance their product management career
Vijaysimha Naidu
Vijaysimha Naidu
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I took training from Gain Badge IT training on core Java . Excellent training and management . Trainers were experts in teaching the course with real Time projects which helped me to clear interviews. I highly recommend Pride Badge IT Training to get real Time project experience learning.
Krishna G
Krishna G
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Very helpful and friendly service. Will help in completing tasks on time. They're expertise in Java
Ramya Arjuna
Ramya Arjuna
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I have taken full stack dev training as a part of corporate training offered by my org. Trainers are professional. content is goo
Jyothi Rudra
Jyothi Rudra
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I have taken QA testing classes via online training. The quality of training, explanation by trainer, material, sticking to schedules and turnaround time for support is very good. Happy to choose this.
Sai Papi Reddy Satti
Sai Papi Reddy Satti
Read More
Great platform to kick start your journey with GainBadge. explained every concept in a detailed manner.

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Career Services

Azure Cloud

GainBadge Certification

After the completion of course, you will be given a Badge and a Certificate.

Demo Certificate - Gainbadge

Certification Benefits:

  • Industry Recognition: Our certification holds weight with main employers, supplying you with a wonderful benefit within the competitive job marketplace.
  • Skills Validation: Prove your expertise in AWS Cloud Engineering & Devops  through a certificates that can be verified.
  • Career Progression: Strengthen your resume and LinkedIn profile with a certification that underscores your dedication to professional improvement.
  • Personal Milestone: Commemorate your fulfillment with a certificate that mirrors your determination and attempt.
  • Lifelong Learning: Our certification marks the begin of your adventure. Stay cutting-edge with get entry to to impending course updates and advanced modules.

Start your journey towards a great career today

Earn your badge

Complete all modules, engage in case studies, and successfully obtain your certification

Engage & Cohort Introduction

Connect with your community and establish objectives, then commence the coursework and activities.

Application Submission & Screening

Start your journey by filling out your form. Connect with our Learning Counselor to find the perfect program fit.

Program Fee

We collaborated with financing companies to offer competitive 0% interest financing options with no hidden costs.

Financing Partners

EMI Partner

The credit facility is supplied by an independent third-party provider, and any agreements with this provider fall outside the jurisdiction of GainBadge.

EMI Starts at Rs.4500

Total Admission Fee

₹ 40,000 + GST

EMI Starts at Rs.4500

Frequently Asked Questions

GainBadge’s Full Stack AWS DevOps Program is an extensive training course crafted to equip you with the skills necessary to become a proficient DevOps engineer using AWS technologies. In this program, you will gain expertise in both cloud infrastructure management and automation, focusing on continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices. You will work on real-world projects, get hands-on experience with AWS tools and services, and benefit from guidance provided by seasoned instructors. The program also includes career support services to assist you in securing a role in the DevOps field upon completion.

Enrolling in GainBadge’s Full Stack AWS DevOps Program will help you:

Master both cloud infrastructure management and automation using AWS.
Gain hands-on experience by working on real-world DevOps projects.
Receive guidance and mentorship from seasoned DevOps professionals.
Choose flexible learning options that fit your schedule.
This program equips you with the skills and knowledge needed to excel as a proficient DevOps engineer in the AWS environment.

If you’ve watched one of our class recordings, you’ve already seen the quality we offer. We are committed to creating an optimal learning environment to help you excel. Our courses are built on the expertise of knowledgeable instructors, the support of dedicated Personal Learning Managers, and engaging interactions with your peers. This means you will benefit from a comprehensive learning experience, not just a demo

The Full Stack AWS DevOps Program is designed to accommodate individuals from various backgrounds and levels of experience. There are no specific prerequisites required for enrollment. Whether you are an experienced IT professional or new to cloud computing and DevOps practices, our program is structured to cater to a broad spectrum of skills and career goals.

The ideal time duration taken to complete GainBadge’s Training Program is of 12 weeks only.

If you miss any lecture or class, there’s no need to worry! You can catch up by accessing the recorded sessions through GainBadge’s platform. We are dedicated to your success and provide robust support to ensure you stay on track. Our live session attendance rate is an impressive 83%, helping you remain engaged with your learning journey. With our Assured Learning Framework and Personal Learning Manager (PLM), you can be confident that you will not miss out on any crucial content, ensuring you receive the knowledge and certification you enrolled for in this online program.

The Full Stack AWS DevOps Program will prepare you for a range of roles in the cloud computing and DevOps field. Upon completion, you’ll be equipped for positions such as:

AWS DevOps Engineer
Cloud Engineer
DevOps Engineer
Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)
Cloud Solutions Architect
Infrastructure Engineer
CI/CD Engineer
Systems Administrator
Automation Engineer
Cloud Operations Specialist
These roles span various industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. With the comprehensive skills gained from this program, you’ll be well-prepared to excel in diverse cloud and DevOps environments.

What is included in this course?

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Enhance Your Skills for Your Ideal Career